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rosie-007a.jpg This is starting half way into the installation of my Eddie Bauer Over Head Console in my 1983 Brionco.  I didn't think to take pictures of the cable routing.   However, it is routed just under the top trim piece and down along the A-Post to under the dash area.  All I received with this console was the connector with a couple inches of wire.  So, I  spliced in wire long enough to reach where I could make the appropriate connections.
rosie-007a.jpg | Hits: 710 | Posted on: 6/21/11 | View original size (75.41 KB)

This is starting half way into the installation of my Eddie Bauer Over Head Console in my 1983 Brionco. I didn't think to take pictures of the cable routing. However, it is routed just under the top trim piece and down along the A-Post to under the dash area. All I received with this console was the connector with a couple inches of wire. So, I spliced in wire long enough to reach where I could make the appropriate connections.