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altwiring2g3g.jpg | Hits: 9805 | Posted on: 3/6/12 | View Low-Res

Alternator Wiring 2G vs. 3G Connectors

The only differences are that: 1) the 2G uses a dangerous 3-pin plug for the outputs (battery power & stator); the 3G uses a heavy ring for the battery output (like the 1G) and a small blade connector for the stator. And 2) the 3G output wire is heavier (enough for ~160A).

So it's very easy & worthwhile to cut off the dangerous 2G connector, combine the Battery wires on a ring terminal (crimped & soldered), convert the Stator wire to an appropriate terminal, and install a 95A 3G.

. . ,

Another option is to just pick up a 3G harness from the JY and swap it in with the 3G alternator. That allows the use of a 130A 3G.

With the matching 3G harness, there's no reason to put in the 95A version - always swap to the 130Amp-output 3G, even if the truck originally had the 95A.

But ALWAYS clean the mounting surfaces so the alternator case is well-grounded to the engine.

See also:
MotorCraft 2016 Wiring Pigtail Guide