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bronco86ebi.jpg The steel roll bar inside the factory '80-91 Bronco camper shell is glued into the fiberglass, but not bolted to the bedwalls.  This is an '86 shell. I'm not sure if '78-79s had any steel.

This shows an '80-91 top on a '78-79 body:

bronco86ebi.jpg | Hits: 2882 | Posted on: 5/16/12 | View original size (2.07 MB)

The steel roll bar inside the factory '80-91 Bronco camper shell is glued into the fiberglass, but not bolted to the bedwalls. This is an '86 shell. I'm not sure if '78-79s had any steel.

This shows an '80-91 top on a '78-79 body: