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ranchero-baro-sensor.jpg BARO sensor mounted on the passenger inner fender. The engine wire harness is being mocked up here, also. 

The strand that goes to the left of the pic (toward the front of the car) contains the BARO harness, MAF harness, everything that connects to the starter solenoid, one of the fuel pump harnesses, EEC grounds, and 12v supply for the e-fan controller. 

The strand that does up in the pic contains the self-test harness and plugs. 

The strand that goes to the right of the pic (toward the drivers side of the car) is the rest of the engine/ignition harness. 

You can also see tha bat cable. The battery is mounted behind the pass. seat.
ranchero-baro-sensor.jpg | Hits: 268 | Posted on: 6/17/12 | View original size (110.88 KB)

BARO sensor mounted on the passenger inner fender. The engine wire harness is being mocked up here, also.

The strand that goes to the left of the pic (toward the front of the car) contains the BARO harness, MAF harness, everything that connects to the starter solenoid, one of the fuel pump harnesses, EEC grounds, and 12v supply for the e-fan controller.

The strand that does up in the pic contains the self-test harness and plugs.

The strand that goes to the right of the pic (toward the drivers side of the car) is the rest of the engine/ignition harness.

You can also see tha bat cable. The battery is mounted behind the pass. seat.