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propvlv83.jpg Brake Splitter Block (E4TZ-2B257-F) from '83 Bronco

removed 2011 working with no leaks; SOLD 2019

Turns out this is NOT actually a "Brake Proportioning Valve" because it has no way to mechanically compare or control the proportion of fluid in any brake lines. It merely compares the pressure through the switch piston.
propvlv83.jpg | Hits: 2884 | Posted on: 7/10/12 | View original size (223.11 KB)

Brake Splitter Block (E4TZ-2B257-F) from '83 Bronco

removed 2011 working with no leaks; SOLD 2019

Turns out this is NOT actually a "Brake Proportioning Valve" because it has no way to mechanically compare or control the proportion of fluid in any brake lines. It merely compares the pressure through the switch piston.