Just checking a few things - it's coming right back off.
The method I eventually used to align the body is:
1) center the body tub & core support fore-aft on their mounting bolts, and side-to-side within 1/16" measuring from the frame perches to the sheet metal;
2) level the doors off the threshholds using a 1/4" board so they align to the body lines on the rear quarters, and center them fore-aft between the A- & B-pillars;
3) set the fender heights to the doors, set the gaps to the doors, adjust the core support fore-aft, raise the fender fronts slightly (and equally) to distribute some weight onto the core support;
4) set the wiper valance height to the fenders and center it;
5) center the hood level with the wiper valance, and set its rear gap even;
6) rotate the body tub as needed to center the front of the hood perfectly on the core support, adjust the front hood bumpers to fender height, align the catch to the hood, align the fenders side-to-side to the hood without changing their vertical alignment;
7) install the grille reinforcement & align the bumper valance to the fenders.

For tailgate alignment, click this: