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11rear.jpg | Hits: 644 | Posted on: 10/10/12 | View Low-Res

While looking underneath a few days ago, I noticed oil on the brake backing plate, so I'm changing the inner wheel seal according to this procedure:

Raise & support vehicle.

1. Wheels, as necessary.
2. Axle Flange Bolts. Rap the axle shaft flange lightly with a soft-faced hammer to loosen the shaft. Grip the rib on the axle shaft flange with a locking plier and twist, to start shaft removal.
3. Axle shaft from the tube.
4. Retaining ring.
5. Key.
6. Nut.
7. Hub, drum, & outer bearing.
8. Oil Seal.
9. Inner bearing.

1. Old sealing compound from the oil seal bore in the hub.
2. Bearing assemblies in a solvent Using a stiff brush to remove the old lubricant. Dry the bearings with compressed air. Do not spin them.
3. Lubricant from the axle housing and inside the hub.
4. Gasket material from the hub and axle shaft.
5. Axle shaft flange. Remove old RTV or gasket.
6. Outside face of the hub assembly.
7. Seal surface inboard on spindle.
8. Wheel mounting surfaces & lug stud threads.
9. All parts and replace as necessary.

1. Bearings for wear, chipped edges or other damage. Check for flat or rough spots on the rollers.
2. Cups for pits and cracks.
3. Replace parts as necessary.

1. Inner bearing.
2. New oil seal (with oil on lip to ease assembly).
3. Hub and drum assembly.
4. Outer bearing & nut.

Adjust bearing preload.
Make sure the brakes are fully released and do not drag. Be sure the keyway, threads, and adjusting nut are clean and free of chips, burrs, and shavings. Tighten adjusting nut to 68 Nm (50 ft. lbs.) while rotating hub and drum assembly in opposite direction of adjusting nut. Inner bearing roller assembly must be seated against spindle shoulder. Back off nut 1/4 turn. Retighten to 17 Nm (13 ft. lbs.). Align closest adjusting nut slot with the keyway in the axle spindle. Insert the key into the keyway and adjusting nut slot. Install the retaining ring. Be sure the retaining ring is seated.

5. Axle shaft with a gasket or RTV applied. Be sure the shaft splines mesh into the differential side gear. Align the hub holes with the axle shaft holes.
6. Axle flange bolts. Tighten bolts to 150 Nm (110 ft. lbs.).
7. Wheels & lug nuts. Tighten nuts to 190 Nm (140 Ft. lbs.).