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dsc00011-(2).jpg by midnight,I have the new pickup tube. clean the bottom end and install the fox 351W oil pan on. the engine off the stand & tranny hooked back up to the block. clean shop bay and push the wagon in.
 at 12:30 pm(this photo) installing complete engine except no intake system. BY 1:15 am engine sitting in the engine bay on the engine mounts & tranny mounts.
dsc00011-(2).jpg | Hits: 342 | Posted on: 7/21/13 | View original size (2.19 MB)

by midnight,I have the new pickup tube. clean the bottom end and install the fox 351W oil pan on. the engine off the stand & tranny hooked back up to the block. clean shop bay and push the wagon in.
at 12:30 pm(this photo) installing complete engine except no intake system. BY 1:15 am engine sitting in the engine bay on the engine mounts & tranny mounts.