1993 Ford Taurus
Owner: Ogre90XLT         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: 30 miles south of kansas city, MO, U.S.A.        (Other registries in MO)
Year, Make, & Model: 1993 Ford Taurus        (Other Ford Tauruss)
Nickname: SHO
Mileage: 140
Engine: 3.2L yamaha engine, for anybody that doesnt know, ford bought the engines for the SHO's from yamaha 3L and 3.2L dohc 24v V6 3.6L V8 dohc as well
Drivetrain: in 1993 was the first year of the automatic and the 3.2L, prior only had manuals. ford had yamaha bore the block to accomodate teh slosh box without loosing the power.
Notes: When we bought this car, my wife hated taurus', she picked it out i wanted a gran prix. any way payed $2150 in nov of 03, we found one identical on net with more miles, and only partial leather seats, they wanted 4500, i think i got a good deal, passed Illinois IM240 test day of purchase
Last Updated: 1/15/2005
Hits: 1217
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