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20150418_1759251.jpg Supposedly this will keep things cool for 5 days with temps at 90 degrees F. I bought the 36 Qt because I need some trunk left for golf clubs and other items. REALLY thick walls, which must mean good insulation. If you metric types need to know how many millineuters it is, you will have to search Colemans site. For me it's the perfect size inside and out.
20150418_1759251.jpg | Hits: 504 | Posted on: 4/18/15 | View original size (3.2 MB)

Supposedly this will keep things cool for 5 days with temps at 90 degrees F. I bought the 36 Qt because I need some trunk left for golf clubs and other items. REALLY thick walls, which must mean good insulation. If you metric types need to know how many millineuters it is, you will have to search Colemans site. For me it's the perfect size inside and out.