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232.jpg This is the engine that I just rebuilt before I put it in. I had it bored .030" over and I personally refaced the valves and the valve seats at school. The Engine Tech kit that I used was an IROC series which is the same as what the IROC Camaros were built with. It also has upgraded ignition, a custom exhaust   and a custom intake on it now.
232.jpg | Hits: 441 | Posted on: 2/12/10 | View original size (57.47 KB)

This is the engine that I just rebuilt before I put it in. I had it bored .030" over and I personally refaced the valves and the valve seats at school. The Engine Tech kit that I used was an IROC series which is the same as what the IROC Camaros were built with. It also has upgraded ignition, a custom exhaust and a custom intake on it now.