bought for 1,000.00 When i bought this car it was almost kind of an acident. I seen a 1961 corvair at a car dealership i like big cars but you had to see this 1961 corvair, it was mint,very clean by chance i did'nt have any money on me, i just stopped to look at the covair, the guy wanted 3,000.00 so i said i going to go to the bank and get the money.I got hung up on the phone with my long lost son and you would not belive it by the time i got back(the guy sold the darn corvair) was'nt meant to be i guess, as i was standing there with jim the sales person his brother joe pulled into the lot with this drab gray 1961 all original chevy impala, i thought to myself,(NOW thats more like it) a big old chevy, the guy got out and came over to where i was to talk to his brother and when i could finaly get a word in i asked joe if he wanted to sell his impala, he said, NO WAY iv'e had this impala for 30 years its the first car i ever bought i love it no way do i want to sell her, so i left hanging my head, no new car today. there was somthing about the 1961 impala that i just could'nt get out off my mind so i went on a mission to fine one, well i looked and i looked, let me make clear this was before cuputers were mainestream it was back in 1980 at least i did'nt have one then, so i looked in classifids and car lots, well about 6 months later i got a telephone call at my home, i forgot that i gave joe from the car lot my number in case he ever changed his mind, well he did, he needed money real bad and i said well how much do you want for her, he said,,,,does a 1,000.00 sound like to much, i said, i'll be right there, i went to my uncles house and borrowed 500.00 and then to my sisters house to borrow 200.00 and i had 300.00 off i went, oh yea i forgot to tell you what he said, he said i have a suprise for you, he would;nt tell me over the phone. It did;nt take me to long to get to the car lot and there she was, the suprise was that he painted it RED whitch looks so much better than drab gray, so i said wow it looks great here is the 1,000.00 you aked for, all the sudden i got a tap on my shoulder it was his brother jim, the owner of the car lot, he said can i see you privatly, i said sure, we walked into his office and he said, how much is my brother selling that car to you for, i said 1,000.00, he said....(COME ON NOW) you and I know that car is worth alot more than 1,000.00 it all original and has hardly any rust and i'm the one who painted it for (MY BROTHER) just 3 months ago, that cost 200.00 alone, my brother don't know the value of cars like i do, so i'm like a what do you want from me, i asked him how much and he said 1,000.00, he said can you give him a tip for getting such a good deal, i said all i have is 50.00 left, he said that will have to do, i said fine so we walked over to joe who was daggeling the keys to the impala and i said really loud, i want to give you a tip because i know you need the money and you don't really want to sell her, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, thats so nice of you to give me a tip, he said i want to give you somthing and he went into the garage next to the office, when he came out he had a cassette converter a device you can use in 8 track players to play cassettes, and yes there was an old 8 track player that worked in her, so he showed me how to use it, we used a cassette tape from my friends car, it worked perfectly. What his brother did'nt know was i would have gave joe 50.00 for that little piece or history but he gave it to me, what a nice guy. Well the car has a original 327 corvett motor and if you did'nt know the 1961 chevy impala was also put onto a 1959 corvette frame, so it's really a 1959 corvette with a different body, pretty cool huh, but i have to say that this car is dangerus, it sways fron side to side when taking corners the opisett of a motorcycle because it has an x frame, there is no suport on the sides of the frame like an x it flexes when you turn, it's kind of fun but beware at high speed. This car has to much power for how it is built but as long as you respect it it's fun fun fun.........thanks for checking out my stuff.................. see ya