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fincomb.jpg A fin comb can be used to clean & straighten the condenser fins.  The fin pitch on the old R12 condenser is 12; the fin pitch on the R134a parallel-flow condenser appears to be metric, and is finer than any combs on this tool.  I had to use picks to straighten each dent in each fin. Yes, it took a while...

fincomb.jpg | Hits: 2465 | Posted on: 9/17/12 | View original size (2.22 MB)

A fin comb can be used to clean & straighten the condenser fins. The fin pitch on the old R12 condenser is 12; the fin pitch on the R134a parallel-flow condenser appears to be metric, and is finer than any combs on this tool. I had to use picks to straighten each dent in each fin. Yes, it took a while...